Finding answers to all of your questions before you contact us.

The Helpline and HelpChat are totally anonymous which means that’s its impossible for any of our volunteers or administrators to see or track your number. You may be asked to give a name but your aren’t expected to give your real name or any details that may identify who you are.

No. At the HelpLine we believe that privacy is crucial to our callers. We therefore do not record any calls. Occasionally a supervisor will listen in on a call to ensure the highest level of call handling by our volunteers.
At the HelpLine we believe anonymity allows callers the best possible experience.

The HelpLine and HelpChat have been endorsed by R’ Chaim Mordche Zahn and are approved for use on Shabbos and YomTov.

There is no expectation of how much you should speak or tell us. The conversation is entirely yours and our volunteers will support you with warmth and patience. If you find it too hard to speak on the phone, you may find it easier to text us on the HelpChat number.

Our volunteers are both male and female, a variety of ages and from many different Jewish backgrounds. It is totally acceptable to ask for a specific gender and our call handlers will try and get you to the right volunteer as soon as they can.

The HelpChat operates through SMS and works on both smart phones and non-smart phones.

We don’t provide contact details or referrals for specific therapists. However, our volunteers can advise and support about the process of deciding about therapy, finding a therapist, and what to expect when beginning therapy.

There are many reasons you may want to contact the HelpLine or HelpChat, and our volunteers will be there to support and guide you no matter what the issue.

You may be struggling with your mental health and contact us if you are feeling anxious, stressed or lonely. Relationship issues, concerns about religion, bullying, depression, grief and abuse are more examples of struggles that our volunteers can support you with.

Our volunteers will always be non-judgemental and treat you with respect and compassion no matter what you want to talk about.

We recognise that Yiddishkeit can impact every aspect of every day life. All our volunteers are Jewish, and training is tailor made to ensure that our volunteers gain an understanding of challenges that may occur.